Rev. Patrick McElwaine, Pastor

Rev. Patrick McElwaine became Pastor of Geneva Presbyterian Church in August of 2019, when he moved to the DMV area with his wife, Allyson, and their two fun kiddos, Malachi and Bridget. They love being part of “The Little Church With The Big Heart” and appreciate Geneva’s focus on being an affirming and inclusive community of Jesus followers.
Patrick is passionate about the transforming power of God’s amazing grace and relationships with Jesus Christ -- and loves sharing both! As Pastor of GPC he focuses on leading worship that glorifies God, nurturing disciples through education and service, and loving neighbors through work of compassion and justice. He enjoys being in prayer and visioning together about what God has in store for GPC.
Patrick has previously served churches in Clemmons, NC and Richmond, VA. He earned an M.Div. at Union Presbyterian Seminary in Richmond, VA, a B.A. in English at Roanoke College in Salem, VA, and completed a hospital chaplain program at Virginia Commonwealth University Medical Center.
In addition to serving at GPC, Patrick loves being with family, reading good books, getting outside, and going on adventures to explore new places and new food.
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