Cali Bronkema, Director of Next Generation Ministries

My name is Cali Bronkema and I’m excited to be Geneva Presbyterian’s Director of Next Generation Ministries. I’m looking forward to getting to know all of you soon! I believe a major part of my job is to create a space where the children feel supported and loved by God and the members of the church. I find that giving them that foundation is the best way to make them feel safe to ask tough questions about faith as they grow.While I love working with those under 18, a big reason that this job interested me in the first place was the title: “Director of Next Generation Ministries”. I’m excited thinking about all that this next generation of the Church could hold, and how to explore those possibilities together at Geneva. As I begin my tenure at Geneva, I’m looking forward to getting to know all of you and better understand what you’re hoping the “Next Generation” will look like.


Bridges to Worship Announcement:

All children entering 5th grade and younger are encouraged to join us for Bridges to Worship each week! We invite all kids to stay in the Sanctuary through the children’s sermon, where there will be activity bulletins, coloring pages and books for you to read. After the sermon, we will head down to the childcare room together. Each week we’ll read a book or do a craft as a group, and then have some time for play. We’ll return to worship after the sermon. If your child is not yet ready to join us in the Sanctuary, the childcare room will still be open for the entirety of the service. 

To contact Cali Bronkema, Director of Next Generation Ministries please use the form below.
Or call: 301-424-4346